What is Blue Light?

First, What is Blue Light?

Light is comprised of particles that travel in wave, which emit energy. Light contains a spectrum of colors. Red light at one end of the spectrum with long wavelengths, producing less energy, and blue light on the other end with short wavelengths and higher energy. Sunlight contains the balance of all the colors in the visible spectrum of light.

The Creation of Artificial Light

Once we created and started using artificial light i.e. oil lamps, light bulbs, tech devices, etc. we began to misalign our bodies natural circadian rhythm. Our bodies are designed to function best with the influences of natural sunlight. Artificial light was originally invented in the late 1800's to extend working hours in factories. How it did this was by tricking our bodies to think it was noon. At noon the sun emits the most amount of blue light.

What are the Benefits of Blue Light?

> Blue lights Sets the body’s natural clock, our circadian rhythm
> Improves our short-term focus and alertness, making us more productive
> Activates the release of cortisol, which promotes healthy responses to stress and stimulates wakefulness

The Harmful Effects of Blue Light

Artificial blue light tricks our brain into believing it’s daytime.

> Exposure to blue light after sunset suppresses the production of melatonin, affecting our ability to get the sleep our body needs.
> Using digital screens causes eyestrain, leading to headaches, difficulty focusing and blurry vision
> Our mitochondria, the powerhouse of our cell’s, can’t properly repair.
> Poor mitochondria function leads to detrimental health issues such as cancer, obesity, Alzheimer’s, depression, autoimmune diseases, diabetes and more.